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Tosh Jonquil (aka Natasha Helmick) is a Pennsylvanian artist from Chicago. The daughter of a sign maker and granddaughter of a painter, she studied design and illustration for 6 years at Marwen Art School. Having mainly focused on graphic novels, she has also worked on logos, graphic and UX design, as well as fine art, and animation for many years. She has curated pamphlets and advertisements for Loyola University Museum of Art; signage, mural work, and decorations for Escape Rooms; and informational design for Adler Planetarium among many others.

She has assisted in Live Figure drawing at the Woodstock Old Courthouse and has featured her work in several galleries, sold her work at Craft Markets and in March 2022 won People's Choice at Starline Factory's Gallery 4th Friday Event.

During the Covid Pandemic Tosh has taken the time to focus on her passion project: Necromance, a graphic novel about a necromancer, his reanimated skeleton, and a fertility priestess. This story explores themes of betrayal and loss of innocence.

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Written and Created by Tosh Jonquil 2021-

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